Before You Complete This Form
Please be aware that Search Engine Marketing is not for every business and we are not necessarily the best fit for every business. Rest assured that we will certainly not expect you to work with us if we believe we aren’t able to really help you achieve your goals. This the main reason the form below is quite detailed. The information you provide will enable us to analyse your website and it’s business context to determine if we are able to help you.
The results of this analysis are free to yourself whether we are able to assist you or not. We know from experience that this analysis enables us to gauge quite well whether we are able to realistically help you meet your search engine optimisation goals within your business framework.
There are also some simple requirements that businesses must meet in order for us to work with them:
- We won’t work with any Adult or Gambling themed sites
- We don’t work with any site that promotes a message of hate or intolerance
- You must already have an established website OR be willing to discuss setting one up as part of our service to you.
If you don’t tick any of the above boxes then that’s great!.
Before making a start on the form below you might like to read the information here first. SEO and Business